Active Advocacy
The Burlington Chamber of Commerce works on your behalf to ensure that your concerns and suggestions about operating a business are presented and heard by the right people.
Being a part of ‘Team Burlington’ and our valuable alliances with other Chambers and Board of Trade, including the Ontario and Canadian Chambers of Commerce, provide us with vital information and access to all levels of government.
We are proud to be a proactive, not reactive organization and thus are determined to gather the decision makers and assist in drafting policy rather than criticizing it. The Chamber maintains relationships and delivers your views to the City of Burlington, the Region of Halton and the Provincial and Federal governments and advocates actively on your behalf through:
• Business Forums (convening government officials around a given issue or topic that relate to Burlington, helping members navigate red tape and regulation at any level of government, and by creating policy recommendations based on the input from members to create more favourable economic conditions for business prosperity).
• All candidates meetings
• Input into City and Region policy planning sessions
• Pre-Budget consultations
• Advocacy letters
• Policy Research and Support
• Committee & Task Force Participation (to discuss relevant issues, plan events, and write policy enhancing chamber membership)
• Mayor’s State of the City Address (an annual engaging and informative session for the Burlington business community which highlights important issues facing our municipality and how they will be addressed. Provides the opportunity to submit questions and focus on how we can collectively foster growth and prosperity).
The Chamber’s proactive approach means that we play a direct role in policy development. Giving you peace of mind knowing that your interests are being communicated.